4 Reasons to Consider Custom Framing Over Standard Framing for Your Precious Artwork or Images

Proper care for your loose artwork and images is essential to prevent potential damage and deterioration. Investing in custom framing is one excellent way to protect your artwork and add an aesthetic touch. Custom framing offers numerous advantages over standard framing, and this post will discuss some of them. Read on to learn more.

Adds a Personal and Professional Touch  

Custom framing is superior to standard framing because it adds a personalised touch to the artwork or photos you cherish and adore. Customising your frame can also be an excellent option when you want to match your interior décor. Apart from adding a personalised touch, custom framing also helps make your artwork appear professional.

Helps Preserve the Quality of Your Artwork

Failing to frame your pieces of artwork will cause them to lose their colour depth quickly. You should consider framing them to increase their lifespan and preserve their initial quality for longer. Additionally, custom framing will protect your valuable pictures from scratches, dirt, grime and oily fingerprints.

Wide Variety of Materials

Another significant advantage of custom framing is the wide variety of framing materials available on the market today. Custom framing companies stock a wide range of framing materials to choose from. Some popular options at your disposal include metal, plastic, premium timber, and composite framing. Furthermore, there are numerous finishes you can consider. For instance, you can opt for matte, glossy or metallic finishes that give your artwork or images a distinctive new look.

Customised Framing Options

Each piece of artwork requires special treatment and customisation. For instance, an old picture might appear stunning if you choose a vintage-style framing option. In contrast, multi-coloured pictures might benefit more from subdued but straightforward framing alternatives. Additionally, any frame can be customised to suit the shape and size of your respective artwork. You can also research other modern styles to enhance your artwork further, including 3D acrylic and glass enclosures.

Final Thoughts

Custom framing is beneficial to your artwork or images. Besides adding an aesthetic touch to your home or office, custom picture framing offers many other benefits that standard picture framing options do not offer. If you own priceless art pieces and pictures that you need to hang on your walls, consider custom framing to guarantee their overall longevity and value. Most importantly, work with a professional custom framing specialist to get the most out of your custom framing projects.
